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Here you’ll find resources used by Andrew Sampson for his teaching on Creation from Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Many of these resources were used for his teaching on Impact in June 2019 and Theology Matters in November 2020.

Getting started

Here you'll find participant handout for a day of teaching on Genesis 1 and 2. You'll find accompanying Powerpoints (which fill out the notes) in the following sections. You'll also find a link to John Mark Comer's excellent book which shows us that more important than understanding Genesis is living it.

Can Genesis be harmonised with a scientific account of origins?

You'll find a fuller range of resources in our Science and Creation section - https://gracetruro.org/resources/science-and-creation/

The creation gift of time

Resources on the Spiritual practice of sabbath. This theme is given very good treatment in Comer's book Garden City which is profiled elsewhere on this page. Also included is a link to his teaching series on sabbath which is outstanding. The teaching from Comer and his team is extremely challenging but presented in an atmosphere of grace. Be careful: it could very well change your life.

The creation gift of place

Introducing the theology of work (which may or may not entail paid employment). It's imperative that we have a biblical vision for the work that we do.

Genesis and creation care

Genesis 1 and 2 have important implications for how we respond to the environmental crisis. This video, made by Dan Osmond when he was a biology student and member of Grace Church, is a thoughtful reflection on how biblical theology inspires interest in conservation work.

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