• Making
  • Video

We’re exploring the part of the Exodus story known as Passover. Passover and communion share so much and it’s good to explore communion with kids when looking at Passover. So here are some resources to help you get baking, get making and get sharing together as you remember how God led his people into freedom in Exodus and how we now experience freedom through Jesus!


This is a great place to start. This video explains the Passover section of the story in an easy to follow format for kids of all ages.

Unleavened Bread

Unleavened bread is a major part of the Passover story. Why not get your oven gloves on and have a go at making a batch yourself? Use this recipe and taste the story for yourself!

Matzoh House

Why wait for christmas to make a gingerbread house. Grab a box of Matzoh from a supermarket (Check the world food sections) and make a matzoh house! Have a look at this one on Instagram and get building.

Playing through the story

Flame creative kids has some great resources for playdough mats and puzzles for younger kids to help explore communion.

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