• Reading
  • Inspiration
  • Video
  • Discussion

These studies accompany our Sunday morning preaching series, starting in September 2022 and concluding in January 2023.

The studies were put together by Trent Hunter for The Gospel Coalition in partnership with Crossway. We’ve added some supplementary resources here and there through the series.

Introduction to the Book of Joshua

Joshua isn't an easy book. We're going to take some time on making sure we understand the book as a whole before drilling down into the detail.

#1 "Be Strong and Courageous" (Joshua 1:1-18)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 18th September. In his talk, Andrew mentions that God's promise to Abraham's descendants is that they would inherit 'the land' is expanded in the New Testament to include the whole earth. If you're interested in this idea, we've included a short article by New Testament scholar Tom Wright who explains how this thought is important in the Book of Romans.

#2 "The LORD is God" (Joshua 2:1-24)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 25th September.

#3 "The Lord will go ahead of you" (Joshua 3:1-5:1)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 2nd October.

#4 Get Things Straight (Joshua 5:2-12)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 9th October.

Interlude: Violence in the Book of Joshua

We have a gap in our Joshua series on Sunday 16th October. This would be a good week to give some detailed consideration to the question: what do we do with all the violence and bloodshed in this book? This lecture, by the author of the excellent book, "Skeletons in God's Closet", is quite long, but extremely informative and thought-provoking (and you can skip the Q&A at the end if you wish). This is also a good point to recommend a book by Paul Copan which also tackles the subject of "Holy War" (horrible term!).

#5 The Wrong Question (Joshua 5:13-15)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 23rd October.

#6 A Bizarre Battle (Joshua 6:1-27)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 30th October.

#7 The Valley of Trouble (Joshua 7:1-8:35)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 6th November.

#8 Our Greatest Vulnerability (Joshua 9:1-26)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 13th November. The study notes on this passage are extremely brief. It's well worth looking at the talk by John Mark Comer in which he explains how deception is the devil's primary strategy to ruin our lives. If this talk leaves you hungry for more, you'll also find the second talk in the series on Youtube (you might also get his excellent book, "Live No Lies"!).

#9 "The LORD fights for us" (Joshua 10:1-12:24)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 20th November. Here you'll find two articles mentioned by John Peel in his talk: an article on war and violence and a report on the puzzling astronomical events mentioned in Joshua 10. After this week, we're going to be taking a break for the month of December.

#10 Inheriting the Land (Joshua 13:1-21:45)

This is the theme of the video talk on Sunday 1st January.

#11 "The LORD is God" (Joshua 22:1-34)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 8th January.

#12 Every Promise Fulfilled (Joshua 23:1-16)

This is the theme of the talk on Sunday 15th January.


We've made it through the whole of the Book of Joshua! Let's take a moment to look back and reflect on the main things we're taking away from the book.

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