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Our preaching series in the spring term of 2021 is on 1 Peter.

Peter’s letter is addressed to believers experiencing trial and hardship. While we may not be able to identify with his original audience in the severity of their suffering, now more than ever we need to hear his message about being “strong, firm and steadfast” (5:10).

Like these believers, we’re in a situation of exile, whether we realise it or not (1:1). Peter’s letter warns us against making ourselves too much “at home” in this world. We don’t belong to this world that is passing away: we’re part of Christ’s kingdom that will endure forever.

It’s not easy being out of step with our neighbours. How can we live resilient lives in the face of challenges and trials? Peter’s letter shows us how.

1 Peter overview

Here's an outstanding introduction to 1 Peter from the Bible Project.

Book recommendation

This book, based on 1 Peter, is an excellent exploration of the themes of 1 Peter. Chester and Timmis combine strong analysis of our cultural context with a compelling call for Christians to engage. Readable, enjoyable and intensely practical.

Our identity as exiles (1 Peter 1:1)

This song by Steven Curtis Chapman is a profound (and catchy!) anthem for exiles everywhere.

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