• Reading

These resources  supplement the teaching videos by Andrew Wilson and notes in the Participant Guide that make up the core of the Advance Theology Course.

Session 1: The Big Picture and the Story of the Church

Here, you'll find the blog article that Andrew Wilson mentions in connection with 'Heresy and Hierarchy' (at 41:25) and some reflections on the modern-day heresy of gnosticism from Mark Sayers excellent book, 'Disappearing Church'.

Session 3: The High Middle Ages to Ongoing Cycle

Michael Reeves' book, 'The Good God', is an outstanding and highly readable response to the observation (made by Andrew Wilson at 1:10:34) that Western Protestantism has historically placed inadequate emphasis on the doctrine of the Trinity. Carl Trueman's lecture is weighty, but worth taking a look at, even if you just dip into its beginning (5:07-11.45) and conclusion (48:00 to end).

Session 4: Scripture to Theology - Trinity

There's plenty in this session to make your head hurt (!) but hopefully the video, in outlining how the Church arrived at a trinitarian understanding of God has alerted you to the importance of precision in language as well as acknowledging the limits of language when speaking about God. Here you'll find Andrew Wilson's outline of the debate among contemporary evangelicals about submission in the Trinity, which is also a helpful summary of the content of much of this session. I've also included a further endorsement of Reeves's 'The Good God' - it really is very, very good!

Session 5: God and Evil to Social Trinity

Here, you'll find notes on two areas touched on by Andrew Wilson in the section on 'God in the thought of Thomas Aquinas': an introduction to Aquinas's 'proofs for the existence of God' (known as 'the five ways') and the concept of God's 'simplicity'. Then there's a link to a helpful blog article by Andrew Wilson on 'God and Providence' in which he lays his own cards on the table. Finally, I've included an article I wrote a few years ago outlining my own response to the problem of evil (which would be my answer to Question 3 in the Course Guide).

Session 6: Gospel and the Canon of Scripture

Andrew Wilson's response to Christian Smith book relates to the section on 'The doctrine of scripture since the Reformation'. Vanhoozer's video is mentioned in the section, 'The doctrine of Scripture since the Reformation.' Finally, if, like me, you completed this session thinking, 'Why don't we use the apocrypha?' there's a link to a helpful post that introduces the apocryphal writings and explains why they don't feature in the Bibles of most Protestants.

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